The Finance volunteers is comprised of concerned homeowners from Four Seasons all with finance backgrounds including
John Lisée, Cindy Rice and Tracy Sprainer. KHOV currently controls all financials for the Homeowner’s Association and won’t relinquish control of the Association until all the homes are nearly sold.
The Finance volunteers review the monthly Homeowner’s financial statements issued by Associa on Town Square. This includes the recent issuance of a letter (see below) coordinated by John Lisée to KHOV/Associa Finance Board covering the Team’s review of financial statements with detailed questions relating to their review. KHOV’s 2023 budget included approximately $2 million of Operating expenses and $183,000 of planned reserve fundings as laid out in a Full Reserve study.
In addition, the Finance volunteers reviewed the Full Reserve study dated January 21, 2020 and the impact and relationship of it to the financial reserve transactions on the Homeowner’s financial statements. Our HOA dues will eventually pay for ongoing operating expenses of Four Seasons as well as fundings into a reserve fund which are projected to meet anticipated expenditures for the community over a 20 year period.
The Full Reserve study needs to be updated soon with new estimates for future capital repair and replacement costs (and probably higher) and new site improvements including all streets completed after the January 2020 study. The total projected cost of future capital repair expenditures in the initial Full Reserve study totaled over $7.6 million.
Questions for HOA Four Seasons Annual Budget Meeting 12/8/231) The 2022 column is mislabeled and should be 2023 and the 2023 should be 2024.
2) Will you provide a breakdown of the assessment income by account? Does the budget number indicated include account 4120 Initial Sale Working Capital and does this account represent the $1,000 received at each home closing?
3) Will you provide a non-summary full line item budget version and/or budget spread by department report on Town Square?
4) The January 2020 Reserve Study (based on May '19 assessments) concluded "the current level of funding is not projected to maintain a positive balance" and recommended either a $40,000 increase in funding every other year, or a 10% per year funding increase, with either approach beginning in 2020. Was either of these recommendations acted upon, and beginning at what time?
5) You indicated in your budget letter that “with inflation and the increasing rate of professional services, it was challenging to ensure that we properly fund for upcoming expenses.” When the 2024 Reserve Study is completed will there be a catch up contribution made by KHOV to fund the reserve at the recommended current amount? The reserves are also affected by inflation and increased costs.
6) What funding to the reserve account was made in 2022, and has been (or will be) made in 2023?
7) What percent of the reserve funding for '22 and '23 comes from the monthly resident dues?
8) The 2020 study also recommends an update "every three to five years". May '24 will be five years, during which there has been considerable inflation. When will an updated reserve study be completed, who will conduct it, and what are their qualifications?
9) What is budgeted for 4905-Reserve Contribution Income? Note it was budgeted in 2022 but not in 2023. Why?
10) Gatehouse budget is listed at $217,441. This is an increase from the 2022 budget of $51,840 and from the 2023 budget an increase of $11,043. What the high increase?
11) Administrative Payroll increased by $69,858. In your budget letter you stated that you eliminated the janitorial service and added a second full-time maintenance. What was the amount of the deduction in the 2024 janitorial service and now allocated to Administrative payroll?
12) Landscaping budget increased by $293,500. Can you detail this budget to explain the increase?
13) How many homes are budgeted to close in 2024 and how is it reflected in the assessment income?
14) Where is the income received on our reserve funds budgeted and what is the amount of that interest income?
15) The Master Association fee increased by nearly 17%. Can we get a copy of that budget and explanation for the increase?
16) The budget for taxes and insurance at $90,200. What is our deductible per incident and is it included in this budget?
17) The professional fees are budgeted at $94,960. What is allocated for the CPA audits and how many years are budgeted?
18) When will updated actuals for 2023, June thru November be published?
*******************************SAVE the DATE*******************************John Lisee is offering short sessions to current homeowners providing a clear understanding of the most current financial statement issued by KHOV/Associa (May 2023 as of this writing), the 2023 Operating Budget and the Full Reserve Study dated January 21, 2020. The first session is scheduled for Thursday, November 2nd from 6:30p to 7:00p at the Lake House coffee counter area. Future sessions will be provided based on feedback from the first session. Please come to find out where your dollars are being spent.
*******************************Below is a Financial Letter from the Finance Team to KHOV Board/Finance Committee Members dated August 29, 2023John Lisée
378 Tupelo Lake Drive
Summerville, SC 29486
August 29, 2023
Krista Dorris
K. Hovnanian Four Seasons at Lakes of Cane Bay
322 Four Seasons Blvd
Summerville, SC 29486
Krista Dorris (via certified, return receipt),
Please share this letter with the Board/Finance Committee members for K Hovnanian’s Four Seasons at Lakes of Cane Bay(“KHOV”).
As a result of the January HOA meeting where the homeowners were informed that an audit of the community’s financials has not been performed for four years, a group of us (see list below) with a finance background reviewed the latest issued financials. The lack of an audit or an independent review of the Associations financial operations is of concern to many homeowners and has created a situation that does not reflect favorably on either KHOV or Associa. The following issues/feedback represent our collective review.
The following comments relate to our review of the Balance Sheet Report and Consolidated Income Statement Report and are in no particular order:
1. Please advise the residents of the timeline for completion of the 2020, 2021, and 2022 audits. Also, can you please post the 2019 financial statements along with a description of the outstanding discrepancy(ies) between end of year 2019 and start of year 2020 that will be addressed in conjunction with the 2020 audit as per the Feb 2, 2023 BOD meeting minutes?
2. We noticed that the signs of the Year to Date Budget Variance column are not consistent with best practice reporting. Typically, favorable variances are reported as positive numbers and negative variances are reported as negative numbers such that the sum of these equate to the sign of the total. Using this approach, the financial reader can quickly ascertain the nature of variances. The signs for the Year to Date Budget expense variances are reversed (income line items are OK). Actual expenses at a lower amount are a favorable variance but are shown as negative. Please consider changing the variance reporting to be consistent with best practice reporting.
3. The Reserve Funds are an important component for a successful turnover when the community is completed.
a. We applaud your decision to use CDARS. Can you please confirm that all other CDs for the Reserves are below the limit of $250,000 for FDIC Deposit Insurance?
b. Please explain why there are two Owners Equity-Prior Years (#3000 and #3005) accounts with a negative balance of $199,972 as of May 31, 2023. Will this equity adjustment amount be funded by KHOV?
c. We understand the Current Asset Refundable Deposits Account #1700 is a placeholder for CDARS purchased for Reserve Funds but do not understand why it is a negative amount. Did the monies deposited in Account #1700 come from a loan from KHOV that we will have to repay?
d. We recognize that the reserve funds may be affected by a previous and now outdated reserve study. What are the future plans to update the reserve study to ensure that the reserves are being adequately funded on an on-going basis?
4. Regarding Payroll & Benefits expenses, Accounts #5330, 5340, and 5399 show zero Year to Date Actuals versus Year to Date Budget of $13,616 at May 31, 2023. Have these expenses been incurred but are not yet reflected on the Income Statement?
5. As Four Seasons continues to be developed, there is a concern that the entirety of the complex is adequately covered by insurance. Does the Board/Finance Committee use a schedule of assets to ensure that the insurance coverage is adequate?Per the April 4, 2023 Finance Committee minutes, Jared Carter was asked for information regarding the insurance coverage on the reserve study. Has the information been received and acted on?
We appreciate the opportunity provided at the Annual Meeting to submit questions. We also appreciate that you posted the Dec 2022 through May 2023 financial statements and hope this practice will continue. It will greatly assist KHOV, Associa, and the homeowners to better understand the financial status of the community and prevent misinformation as we move closer to a community turnover.
Best Regards,
John Lisée (
Cynthia Rice (
Tracy Sprainer (
cc. Steve Galek (